
Friday, May 17, 2019

Tech term 2

For technology this term im doing sowing im making a pillow. First were doing all the basics like how  to set up the machine which im not that good at.  Then we get our test fabrics like little bits of fabric  so we can test the machine im alright at that still not the best at it. When we get the basics down I think we move on to doing the actual pillow and we put a design. For my design I might do a simple design like some circles or like do this through it /different colours on it and hope I do good on it.

What would your design be for the pillow?

Friday, May 10, 2019

Goals for term 2

                                    " It's one thing to say it's another to do it."

I've been looking in to what my goals for this term can be. I know that I'm sometimes late to workshops and that I don't always finish work on time and can be disorganised.

So my  goals for this term are:          get to workshops on time
                                                          to finish all my follow up  on time
                                                          to be organised for my workshops or Thursday sport

Ways I can achieve my goals: to check my planner so i know whats happening
                                               I need to think of what's more important and what needs to be done first
                                                have the things I need, to be ready

What goals  do you think stand out to you?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

discrimination art

For PBL this term we're doing it on discrimination which is like racism, sexism you know. 
So if you don't  know what discrimination is  it's basically racism as i said early but there is more types. There's religious discrimination and there's  ableism. Ableism   is when you  judge people for disabilities like people in wheelchairs when they cant get up some stairs. If some one makes a silly joke about it and you laugh or you  make a joke as well that's discrimination and we're trying to stop it not make it worse so help out instead of joining in.

Here's  my art - I have created an image of what we should be doing to stop discrimination and have included a anti-racist quote.

Do you agree with what im saying?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PBL term 2

Our  PBL this term is about discrimination. We have learnt about sexism racism and religion discrimination. so im going to tell you about sexism. its when you let a male watch or do something but don't let the females do it so if males get paid $1000 and females get $500 then that's discrimination and if you at least laugh a it at a silly joke about it then your not helping your making it worse.

did you know what discrimination was before this?