The Meerkats
In the Tumu hub we have been learning about speech marks and apostrophes.
In the Tumu hub we have been learning about speech marks and apostrophes.
There were meerkats sleeping then one got up and saw a nice fruit to eat.He decided to wake up his friends "Wake up!"
So all the friends got up and got out and looked at the majestic fruit. So they climbed than one said “Let's get it” so they climbed it but didn’t know that a vulture was above them!
The vulture took the fruit but the meerkats didn’t give up they made like a ladder and got on the vulture. And he didn’t like that so get angry and he lost the fruit. Then the meerkat got the fruit and started passing it so the vulture couldn't get it.
Then they passed it to the vulture and he hit a mountain and then the meerkats got the fruit and ran away passing it and then dropped it.
Is there any more punctuation I could have used ?